
The ability to think is the quality which distinguishes human beings from other beings.

So wrote Abd al-Rahman Ibn Khaldun (1332 – 1406), the early Muslim scholar and author of the monumental work, Muqaddimah. Khaldunia High School is an attempt to acknowledge the intellectual debt that we owe to a great thinker and scholar of his time by establishing an institution of learning which meets the highest contemporary standards of educational instruction and accomplishment.

The Fibonacci Curve: The Italian mathematician Fibonacci was the first to perceive the significance of the mathematical formula which sums up the previous two numbers – the significance of Khaldunia’s logo, as it were – is the symbolism of this equation – just as Fibonacci’s curve denotes the ever growing number based on the sum of its parts, we perceive education to be an ever growing current which swells not merely numerically but in excellence. Khaldunia aims at building a community of diverse students learning from each other, listening and sharing, celebrating differences and promoting understanding… The School breaks new ground in the field of education by addressing the needs of the whole child. Our objective is to provide education in the spirit of intellectual honesty, reasoned enquiry and free creative expression.

In pursuit of our mission, we believe the following statements are essential and timeless:

  • We recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic value of each individual
  • We treat all with compassion and kindness
  • We act with honesty, integrity and fairness in the way we conduct our affairs and in our personal behaviour
  • We trust our colleagues as valuable members of our team and pledge to treat each other with loyalty, respect and dignity

The School aims to prepare boys and girls for the opportunities and challenges of the new millennium by:

  • Providing an effective learning environment which is appropriate to the age, needs and interests of its students;
  • Equipping students with the skills, knowledge and understanding required to enable them to succeed in higher education;
  • Establishing and fostering a strong sense of community that is responsive to the outside world.

Our philosophy is based on the belief that every child’s capacity to discover and create is boundless. We seek to encourage the development of our student’s skills, learning and understanding through exposure to all spheres of the educational experience. Every student is a unique being who requires a positive environment of openness, tolerance and acceptance in which to develop his or her fullest intellectual and emotional potential. The School endeavours to provide an atmosphere which respects diversity and helps students gain a positive image of themselves at all levels of achievement.